Roleplay in the Four Kingdoms! Take on perilous quests, raise an army, & defend your Kingdom from the malevolent forces of The Tower.
Please Note: Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
August Update & Surveys
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 06:35:43 PM
Keep an eye out for your BACKERKIT survey which will be sent this week via email.
If you qualified for the 48 hours Demake Zine, DARKEST TOWER, it will be in your item listing for FREE.
Digital backers will get the digital version, physical backers will get the physical version.
All backers will be able to add on the physical or digital zine for a fee.
If you had previously signed up on our Backerkit landing page & pledged you will have a FREE Return to Dark Tower Coin in your item listing.
Many of you had added coins on as well. Those will be in your cart at the $3 cost.
All backers will be able to add on this coin.
All non-retailer backers will be able to add on additional copies of Return to Dark Tower RPG, the Adversary GM Screen, the Player Accessory Tower, the Dark Tower Coin, and the Demake Zine. You will notice that you do NOT see the Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying book as an add-on. That is because it is already in stock and available at your FLGS or on our website
US Backers who added on Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying will be shipped their copy prior to the Return to Dark Tower reward shipping (Estimated 8/31/22, assuming we have your address).
International Backers will be contacted to see if they would rather hold to ship with rewards or pay an additional shipping charge for the book to to be shipped early. (Estimated 8/19/22)
Shipping fees are NOT INCLUDED yet. These will be added around January 2023 once we have a better idea of new shipping rates.
Production Update
At this point we are still working on some final writing and are starting working on book layout. We expect to finish up with that in the next 4-6 weeks. Layout of the GM Screen and Player Tower will be next. Our expected "at the printer" date is November 1st. At this point we do not see any issue with meeting our promised May 2023 delivery.
Thank you!
~9th Level Games
Surveys, Add-ons, Late Pledges, & the Board Game
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 09:16:37 PM
Reward Surveys & Add-ons
We expect to send out Reward Surveys by mid-August. Here are some important notes about the survey:
1) Shipping will NOT yet be charged as we are waiting until 2023 hits to get accurate shipping rates. When we have that information we will update you to give a heads up that the shipping pricing will be charged at that time (expected late January 2023).
2) Addresses can be updated up until about 6 weeks prior to our planned ship date. At that time we will lock down orders and addresses. You will most likely need to contact us directly to make changes.
3) Add-on's will be available to all backers (including those with $1 pledge). For those of you that missed out on the Demake Zine DARKEST TOWER, we are offering it for purchase as an add-on during your Backerkit Survey.
Need the Return to Dark Tower board game?
Restoration Games launched a new campaign on BACKERKIT this week for a reprint of and expansion. Fun fact: We are working closely with them to incorporate all the new expansion materials in our RPG!
Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying
Anyone looking to add on MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying physically or digitally, as well as Mazes accessories, is encouraged to buy directly from our webstore since all is now in stock.
Backers whoalready added on Mazes in Kickstarter:
US Backers who added on Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying will be shipped their copy prior to the Return to Dark Tower reward shipping (Estimated 8/31/22, assuming we have your address).
International Backers will be contacted to see if they would rather hold to ship with rewards or pay an additional shipping charge for the book to to be shipped early. (Estimated 8/19/22)
Thank you for going on this journey with us! The next update will be mid-August when the backer surveys go out.
~9th Level Games
That's a wrap! Thank you so much!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 03:57:39 AM
Thank you!
Once again, thank you for your support on this project. Funding this type of project as small company is daunting and we really appreciate the buy in from our backers! Our goal is to get you the best possible product as soon as possible.
🚨Since we didn't quite hit 1300 backers or $100K but we did get VERY CLOSE, we are going to work out something to get the CUSTOM DICE in the Player Tower Accessory Set. Backerkit has a feature to allow a stretch goal to continue via pre-orders.
Next Steps
We plan to send out surveys by late August via Backerkit. This will allow you to add-on items and fill out your shipping address. There is a slight chance that our shipping rates will not be ready at that time BUT Backerkit has a feature to charge shipping closer to the actual ship date. We will let you know once we are ready to send out surveys.
Items available for add-on:
Return to Dark Tower RPG (physical & digital)
Adversary GM Screen
Player Tower Accessory Set
Darkest Tower RPG Zine
Return to Dark Tower Coin
Roll20 Module
At this point our expected delivery is May 2023. Due to paper shortages, overseas shipping delays, COVID shutdowns, and probably some other unforeseen issues that is an estimate only. We will make EVERY EFFORT to meet that delivery time frame.
Fun Stuff
Today we got the final mock-up of the Return to Dark Tower coins. They look SO COOL!
Thanks again,
Chris & the 9th Level Games team
More Stretch Goal Unlocks & Interviews
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 01:52:12 PM
Stretch Goal Status
Yesterday we blew past the 1100 backer stretch goal which means we will gold foil stamp the GM screen. Plus you get a SPECIALBONUS! We worked directly with Restoration to get all the new expansion character information and will be including them in our RPG!
We only need 50 more backers to hit the next goal to unlock a HAGGLE DIE. It will be part of the Player Tower Accessory set and will be used similarly in the RPG as it is in the board game.
The campaign ends Thursday June 30th at 4pm Eastern time. Spread the word and help us unlock the rest of these stretch goals.
Alexandria RPG Interview
Last night Chris O'Neill sat down with Alexandria RPG Library. They are a non-profit organization that runs a lending library of classic RPGs at events and also host a podcast.
Thank you!
~9th Level Games
Final 48 hours & Gencon News!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 01:51:59 PM
It's the final 48 hours of the campaign!
Stretch Goals
We are just 9 backers away from unlocking the 1100 goal for gold foil stamping on the Screen PLUS the bonus of including some of the new COVENANT Return to Dark Tower board game characters! With 48 hours left in the campaign we are showing another stretch goal just in case we are lucky enough to hit the 1200 goal.
Attending GENCON? Play MAZES!
Learn to Play Mazes
There are only 3 sessions with seats open to learn to play MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying at GENCON 2022! You can search "Enter the Maze" HERE (event numbers are: RPG22209873, RPG22209877, and RPG22209882)
Mazes at Midnight Special Event
We are also hosting MAZES AT MIDNIGHT which is an epic special event from SATURDAY AUGUST 6th night 11:59pm until 2am lit by BLACKLIGHT and pumping dungeon synth beats! We can accommodate 100 players and about 40 seats are left. ***GET YOUR SPOT HERE!
Thank you for your support and here's to a great last 48 hours of the campaign!