Roleplay in the Four Kingdoms! Take on perilous quests, raise an army, & defend your Kingdom from the malevolent forces of The Tower.
Please Note: Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Significant Production Progress & Shipping Rates Finalized
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Mar 07, 2023 at 01:28:57 PM
Production Status
Since our last update we have made SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS on production.
✅ Return to Dark Tower RPG - Complete, submitted to printer, in Pre-Press Review with printer
✅ Adversary GM Screen - Complete, submitted to printer, art approved by printer, awaiting proofs
✅ Player Tower Accessory Set (including the tower itself, polyhedral dice, haggle die, character sheet pad, tokens, card deck) Complete, submitted to printer, art approved by printer, awaiting proofs
🎲 Roll20 module - On hold until final RPG PDF is complete
☑️ Darkest Tower RPG Zine - Written and fully laid out, waiting to be printed
✅ Return to Dark Tower Bonus Coin - Complete & delivered to us
We're expecting to send you the PDF version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying shortly once we have ensured there are no more edits to the files.
Actual Shipping Rates
We have updated Backerkit to reflect the actual shipping and tax rates.
You do not have to do anything, but if you would like to review charges you can go into your survey using your original survey link. Since we don't plan to ship until later this Summer we'll keep the surveys open to allow for changes. We previously indicated we'd charge your cards now, but we will not charge your cards until Summer. You'll be notified at least 48 hours prior to when we lock down orders and charge cards.
Please refer to the chart below for a listing of actual shipping rates.
Add-on Weights: We're doing weight-based shipping, so if you added on more items you can expect a higher shipping cost than the chart lists.
Adversary GM Screen - 1 lb
Return to Dark Tower RPG - 3 lbs
Player Tower - 3 lbs
Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying - 2 lbs
Coins and Zines - 2 oz
Retailers: You received a Kickstarter message AND email from us regarding your shipping rates and how they will be collected as many of you added on to your standard retailer pledge level.
Asia includes but is not limited to the following countries SG, JP, KR, HK, MY, PH, TW, TH, ID, IN, CH
Thank you!
9th Level Games
Is that Light Breaking on the Horizon?
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 01:15:04 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
December Update & Product Samples
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Dec 02, 2022 at 01:10:53 AM
Production Status
📝 Return to Dark Tower RPG - Final touches and editing, design complete
☑️ Adversary GM Screen - Design complete, layout in process
☑️ Player Tower Accessory Set - Design complete, layout in process
🎲 Roll20 module - On hold until final RPG PDF is complete
☑️ Darkest Tower RPG Zine - Written and fully laid out, waiting to be printed
✅ Return to Dark Tower Bonus Coin - Complete & delivered to us
We have gotten the Player Tower and Adversary Screen where we like them after a bunch of back and forth with our manufacturer. Here is our final sample of both of them and we are already envisioning how cool this is going to look with the final art!
Adversary Screen
Player Tower
In earlier designs we found the dice falling from so far up would create issues. The final design now includes a dice "balcony" which is secured in between the two box pieces with a magnet. The top and bottom of the tower have magnets as well to secure the two pieces. Now the dice won't splash all over the table, or actually off the table. However, if you WANT them to drop from that height the balcony is option and can be removed.
PAX Unplugged
If you are going to PAX Unplugged this weekend, come see us at BOOTH 3423!
We'll be running demos of Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying ALL WEEKEND right at the booth. Get a feel for how Return to Dark Tower is going to play by trying the game system it uses!
For EXTRA fun, join us Friday night 10pm-midnight for MAZES TIL MIDNIGHT event in the Learn & Play Room 120BC.
Thank you for your support!
~9th Level Games
The Dark of Winter Lies on the Horizon, and the Tower Awaits
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 11:01:59 PM
As we hit Halloween, we thought we would take a minute for a quick update with where we stand in terms of production.
Architects of the Accessories
The Adversary Screen will have the green section in the image below cut out so that the tower will really POP during game play.
The Player Tower Accessory Set is a product that requires much engineering on the part of the factory. We have been working closely with our manufacturer to come up with the best solution to hit our goals.
Our goal is getting a strong, visible "balcony" that will hold the dice as they are dropped in the top (without toppling the tower). That "balcony" and the two tower pieces are secured with internal magnets. This means the balcony could be removed so that if you do want the dice to drop direct to the table, they will. It also means you have the option of using the entire 2 piece tower, or just the top dice roller.
The Final Tower is going to be something so unique an insane. **NOTE: It will not have a Splendor Duel box as the balcony :)
The Evil in Our Hearts
One of the latest testing pieces in the roleplaying game was expanding out the CORRUPTIONS to include all of the corruptions that are being added in the COVENANT Expansion.
If you are familiar with MAZES, we are using a variant of the "Condition" from Mazes for Corruptions in Return to Dark Tower RPG. Players will gain corruptions from a variety of sources but mainly, because a player has fallen, or because the Adversary has gained a boon because of some failure on the players part.
~9th Level Games
The Tower Looms in the Distance (September Update)
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 08:10:21 AM
Hail and well met. Our journey continues apace - we are trekking into the dark months of the winter, but we can still see the TOWER looming in the fog shrouded distance. Dark months ahead, but still we trudge across the lands until we can gather and siege and the Tower together...
Production Status
📝 Return to Dark Tower RPG - Currently writing and editing, design complete
🎨 Adversary GM Screen - Initial layout started
🏗Player Tower Accessory Set - In engineering & design at manufacturer (How cool, right)
🎲 Roll20 module - On hold until final RPG PDF is complete
☑️ Darkest Tower RPG Zine - Written and fully laid out, waiting to be printed
✅ Return to Dark Tower Bonus Coin - Complete & delivered to us (check it out below)
The Return to Dark Tower Coins are already complete and they look really good. If you feel you should have gotten one of these coins but don't see it in your Backerkit survey check out cart, please contact us.
Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying shipments
US Backers who added Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying keep an eye out in your mailboxes this week!
International Backers should have a Kickstarter message and email from us asking how you would like to proceed with receiving your copy of Mazes.